Nervous about getting a vasectomy?

A lot of guys just don’t know what to expect with a vasectomy.

We get it. It is not fun to think about it. You get a lot of guys making fun of it, your significant other may be really pushing for it and you have a lot of anxiety about what is going to happen to your boys.

We will help you get through your vasectomy with minimal pain and discomfort.

Essentially, a vasectomy is going though a small hole in the scrotum above the testicles and cutting both tubes that connect the testicles to the prostate so no sperm can swim through.

After the numbing medicine is given, you really will not have pain during the procedure. Plus you will be in and out of the clinic in about a hour.

Every guy walks out of our clinic saying, “That was it?”

and if that it not enough…if this guy can get a vasectomy on the TV show “The Doctors”, then you can do it.